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Products meeting the search criteria
Brand: Smart Metal Group
Model: Арматурна мрежа
Reinforcing mesh/Reinforcing grill/ Welded meshThe reinforcing mesh is bounded by fingers, preserved at all points of intersection. The iron from which it is made can be smooth ('u' thick) or ribbed ('N' thick). Reinforced iron mesh is preferred in order to achieve this voluntary adhesion to the con..
0.00 лв.
Ex Tax:0.00 лв.
Brand: Smart Metal Group
Model: Арматурна мрежа
Reinforcing mesh/Reinforcing grill/ Welded meshThe reinforcing mesh is bounded by fingers, preserved at all points of intersection. The iron from which it is made can be smooth ('u' thick) or ribbed ('N' thick). Reinforced iron mesh is preferred in order to achieve this voluntary adhesion to the con..
0.00 лв.
Ex Tax:0.00 лв.
Brand: Smart Metal Group
Model: Арматурна мрежа
Reinforcing mesh/Reinforcing grill/ Welded meshThe reinforcing mesh is bounded by fingers, preserved at all points of intersection. The iron from which it is made can be smooth ('u' thick) or ribbed ('N' thick). Reinforced iron mesh is preferred in order to achieve this voluntary adhesion to the con..
0.00 лв.
Ex Tax:0.00 лв.
Brand: Smart Metal Group
Model: Арматурна мрежа
Reinforcing mesh/Reinforcing grill/ Welded meshThe reinforcing mesh is bounded by fingers, preserved at all points of intersection. The iron from which it is made can be smooth ('u' thick) or ribbed ('N' thick). Reinforced iron mesh is preferred in order to achieve this voluntary adhesion to the con..
0.00 лв.
Ex Tax:0.00 лв.
Brand: Smart Metal Group
Model: Арматурна мрежа
Reinforcing mesh/Reinforcing grill/ Welded meshThe reinforcing mesh is bounded by fingers, preserved at all points of intersection. The iron from which it is made can be smooth ('u' thick) or ribbed ('N' thick). Reinforced iron mesh is preferred in order to achieve this voluntary adhesion to the con..
0.00 лв.
Ex Tax:0.00 лв.
Brand: Smart Metal Group
Model: Арматурна мрежа
Reinforcing mesh/Reinforcing grill/ Welded meshThe reinforcing mesh is bounded by fingers, preserved at all points of intersection. The iron from which it is made can be smooth ('u' thick) or ribbed ('N' thick). Reinforced iron mesh is preferred in order to achieve this voluntary adhesion to the con..
0.00 лв.
Ex Tax:0.00 лв.
Brand: Smart Metal Group
Model: Арматурна мрежа
Reinforcing mesh/Reinforcing grill/ Welded meshThe reinforcing mesh is bounded by fingers, preserved at all points of intersection. The iron from which it is made can be smooth ('u' thick) or ribbed ('N' thick). Reinforced iron mesh is preferred in order to achieve this voluntary adhesion to the con..
0.00 лв.
Ex Tax:0.00 лв.
Model: Клещи за тел
Wire Tying NipperWhen executing construction actions at a site, different types of construction works must be done. One of those construction works is the reinforcement works which include delivery, sizing and installation of reinforcement rods and premade rebar products in the reinforcement cag..
0.00 лв.
Ex Tax:0.00 лв.
Model: Инструмент за връзване на армировка
Wire Tying ToolReinforcement is one of the most important parts of a reinforced concrete construction. Its right position and support is one of the top priorities when executing a construction. Sometimes this process may be extremely labor-intensive and may take a lot of time. This loss of time ..
39.00 лв.
Ex Tax:39.00 лв.
Brand: Status
Model: 03911001
Електроинструменти STATUSЕлектроинструментите STATUS предлагани от SmartMetalGroup са съвременни електроинструменти, проектирани и произвеждани от известна италианска марка както за професионално, така и за домашно ползване. Нашата продуктова философия е възприета и разработена от меж..
1.40 лв.
Ex Tax:1.40 лв.
Brand: Status
Model: 03911201
Електроинструменти STATUSЕлектроинструментите STATUS предлагани от SmartMetalGroup са съвременни електроинструменти, проектирани и произвеждани от известна италианска марка както за професионално, така и за домашно ползване. Нашата продуктова философия е възприета и разработена от меж..
1.70 лв.
Ex Tax:1.70 лв.
Brand: Status
Model: 03911501
Електроинструменти STATUSЕлектроинструментите STATUS предлагани от SmartMetalGroup са съвременни електроинструменти, проектирани и произвеждани от известна италианска марка както за професионално, така и за домашно ползване. Нашата продуктова философия е възприета и разработена от меж..
3.90 лв.
Ex Tax:3.90 лв.
Brand: Status
Model: CTR20-2Li
Двускоростен редуктор
20 В, 2 Ач литиeво-йонен аккумулятор
Време за зареждане на акумулатора - 1 час
Автоматична блокировка на шпиндела
13 мм едномуфтов бързозатягащ патрон
Встроено осветление на работната зона
Индикатор на нивото на заряда
Ергономична гумирана ръкохватка
Клипс за за..
0.00 лв.
Ex Tax:0.00 лв.